Al Franken: Bible Will ‘Burst Into Flames’ If Trump Touches It In Court

(Patriot Insider) – If you thought Trump Derangement Syndrome was a silly joke made up by conservatives to poke fun at the ridiculous and hysterical hatred leftists exhibit toward former President Donald Trump, well, you’d be correct. However, TDS has morphed over time into being almost a real observable condition with various stages of intensity that can be seen in individuals who have an irrational fear and hatred of Trump.

A good example is disgraced former Minnesota Democrat Senator Al Franken, who made an appearance on MSNBC on Monday where he stated that if Trump takes the stand in any of his court cases and places his hand on the Bible to be sworn in, it will “burst into flames.”

I guess the reason Franken knows this is because he has more than a little bit of familiarity with such a situation. Back on Dec. 7, 2017, Franken made an announcement revealing he would be stepping down from his Senate seat after several women accused him of groping or forcibly kissing them. The resignation took effect on Jan. 2, 2018. He claimed the allegations made against him were either false or remembered very differently than the recollections of his accusers.


And he seriously has the spine to suggest Trump is a liar? That’s rich.

MSNBC host and former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki asked Franken on her program, “As you’re watching this, and you see all the different messages the Democratic party is throwing at him, there’s a lot of material there, there’s no question, there’s [sic] the legal cases, obviously his threat to abortion rights, [and] the threat to the Affordable Care Act. What should people be doing? There’s [sic]almost too many to pick from. What is the right approach, in your view?”

“I think that as these cases unfold, and thank God, we actually have one coming to trial. I think it’ll be very clear. You started your show talking to Michael Cohen. I think it’s pretty clear that this case was exactly that, a hush-money case. You know, I’m looking forward to — I don’t know whether he will testify, I know his lawyers know that he lies a lot, but I hope he testifies because when he puts [his] hand on the Bible, I want to see it burst into flames,” Franken replied, according to RedState.

Franken went on to discuss the upcoming general election which, as of now, will feature a rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, urging Democrats to hit the streets and do some old fashioned door-to-door campaigning.

“The right approach is to go door to door and knock on doors, especially in blue areas, and get out the vote. That’s the right thing for people watching today, watching MSNBC, who care about this election, get involved and do that. That’s the right argument,” he said.

And he’s correct about the boots-on-the-ground approach. It works for the GOP too.

“Like it or not, the Democrat Party plays a much more effective presidential season game, while by and large, the Republican Party is more tied to the traditional election day game. That’s a huge mistake for the GOP. We can blame ‘rigged’ and ‘stolen’ elections, election after election until the proverbial cows come home, or we can learn to beat the Democrats at their own game. I suggest the latter is a wiser option,” the report continued.

It concluded, “While both Al Franken and Jen Psaki are irrelevant, Democrat deception and dishonesty, in combination with blatant hypocrisy are not — and they are responsible for most of what ails this country.”

Copyright 2024.

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  1. Ole Al Franken who are you to talk when you yourself was and have been accused of lying about your sexual escapades with numerous woman. You have no credibility whatsoever and you should just shut the hell up. Let the corrupt government decide who will be President , not a piece of sh.. like you.God is watching every move you make when judging others for the same thing you did . So just go on back to the hole you crawled out of and stop you BS.

  2. Al Franken is a “has been”. He was voted out of office even in Minnesota, one of the most liberal states in the country. He always was a “goober”. The real Al Franken is the one who appeared in “Changing Places”: a gooper who is out of touch with reality and a pain in the rear. Get lost, Al. Nobody even knows who you are anymore.

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