Patriot Alerts

So Much For Secure: Dems Tell Biden He ‘Must’ Stop Hacking Of Voting Machines

(Patriot Insider) - Hey, remember when Democrats said that our elections are the safest and most secure in the world and that the 2020...

Watch The ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Commercial That Aired During The Super Bowl LVI

(Patriot Insider) - If you watched the Super Bowl this past weekend you likely noticed that the commercials just weren’t what they used to...

Former Obama Official Issues SHOCKING THREAT To Freedom Convoy Truckers

(Patriot Insider) - Well, it seems we're still not done hearing from officials who worked with former President Barack Obama, as one of them...

BOMBSHELL: Democrats Step In, Takeover BLM Operations

(Patriot Insider) - Black Lives Matter is a radically progressive movement with a black power agenda similar to other groups dating back decades such...

ALERT: Judge Releases Powerful Anti-Trump Order

(Patriot Insider) - President Trump is still being attacked and targeted by rabid leftists with political grudges and agendas, one such individual being New...

Watch Bill Gates Reveal Truth About COVID Shots

(Patriot Insider) - Ever since the coronavirus vaccine finally hit the market, there has been a ton of discussion about its effectiveness. Does this...

Obama Rages After Former White House Doctor Exposes Biden’s Dementia

(Patriot Insider) - Joe Biden’s “presidency” is a dumpster fire. Not only did he illegitimately usurp the White House, he’s not mentally fit to...

BREAKING: Dem Bill To ‘Ban’ Trading Has Loophole Lawmakers Can Exploit To Get Rich

(Patriot Insider) - The Democrats have always been really good at pretending to be against the things they actually partake in and support. For...

BOMBSHELL: CBC News, Washington Post Harassing Donors Of GiveSendGo’s Illegally Hacked Freedom Convoy Database

(Patriot Insider) - Tyranny is tightening its grasp in Canada in the face of the resistance. Justin Trudeau’s government and media allies are doing...

Truckers Protesting COVID Mandates Set To Hit U.S. Roads

(Patriot Insider) - Canadian truckers have been making quite the statement. With convoys posted at US-Canadian entry points, the Freedom Convoy has been sending...

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