Joe Biden’s Latest Footwear Stuns The Nation: Check Out His Unbelievable ‘Transport’ Shoes Now

(Patriot Insider) – The Biden administration is really pulling out all of the stops in order to prevent the president from having some sort of major tumble due to the frailty of his old age, which is without a doubt having a negative impact on his re-election efforts as it only serves to validate the fears of the American people concerning Joe Biden’s fitness for duty. Over the course of the last 12 months, Biden — who is in his eighties — has been seen sporting sneakers with his suits in situations where he is most likely to trip, such as donning the steps of Air Force One. And yet, somehow, he still has mishaps.

According to The Western Journal, the White House is having to step up its game by providing Biden with what might be the most ridiculous looking pair of shoes you’ve ever laid eyes on.

“He wore a pair of sneakers that, at first glance seem normal, but upon further inspection, sport rubber soles far larger than regular sneakers. As the syndicated program ‘Inside Edition’ reported back in February, Biden wore a pair of the sneakers for his Feb. 29 trip to the southern border. ‘Inside Edition,’ apparently thinking the American public was breathlessly waiting for someone to identify the rubber boats Biden had on his feet, informed viewers that the ridiculous new kicks Biden sported were the Hoka brand Transport sneakers,” the report noted.

“The Hoka website describes these shoes, retailing at $175, as most suitable for hiking and walking, and boasts that they’ve earned the American Podiatric Medical Association Seal of Acceptance, ensuring these giant sneakers are optimal for foot health,” the WJ continued.

The Republican Party’s social media department, known as RNC Research, put out a post on Saturday to remind the American people just how unsteady on his feet President Joe Biden really is.

Many folks who noticed the new kicks have referred to them as “boat anchors,” “piers,” and my personal favorite, “Air Bidens.”

The journalists over at ‘Inside Edition’ reported that the shoes are to aid Biden’s peripheral neuropathy, which essentially means his feet have experienced nerve damage and the shoes help to relieve symptoms.

“Considering that ordinary sneakers didn’t prevent Biden from stumbling up the shortened stairs to Air Force One a few weeks ago, it’s not surprising that Biden’s handlers decided to upgrade his footwear. That said, these heavy-duty, foot-health-optimized sneakers do nothing to alleviate voters’ concerns regarding Biden’s advanced age,” the WJ reported.

In fact, a brand new poll from ABC News, covered by The Independent, stated that over 86 percent of voters think Biden is too old for another term. And they would be right. It’s not just his age. Look at how inept he is thanks to his memory problems. Then there’s the falling all over creation. Clearly, the man is not well and should be at home, resting, enjoying time with family, not being used as a puppet to push the progressive agenda.

Copyright 2024.

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  1. They can make biden wear his boat anchors to help prevent his stumbling. They can make him wear a back brace to see if it helps his arthritis so that he stops walking like a toddler with a full diaper. They can even make him wear a helmet to protect his head from bumping the door exiting AF1 and Marine 1.
    But nothing they can do will replace those defective brain cells that are diminishing at an increasing rate. And no amount of feel good juice will stop his never ending gaffes.
    One thing I wish they would try is a shock collar that would zap him every time he lies or tells the same old debunked tall tales that we’ve heard a million times.

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